Event Details

Skills of Management

Sat 2nd to Sun 3rd Mar
Training Facilities, Caledonian Sleeper, Perth Railway Station, Leonard Street, Perth, PH2 8RT
Skills of Management training covers areas such as leadership styles, team building, motivation, effective communication, active listening, induction and reviews.
-3.4383756.391686https://dunbartonshirescouts.org.uk/Images/SA_Site_Images/MapIcons/2018FleurDeLis_7413dc.png 1 -3.43837 -3.43837 56.391686 56.391686 -3.43837 56.391686 15 roadmap 0 0
Skills of M/ment Skills of M/ment - Skills of Management Course Skills of Management Course

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Dunbartonshire Scouts

The Cottage, John Street, Helensburgh, Argyll & Bute, G84 8XL

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